Case Study: Rubber Roller Balancing Machine


Rubber Engineering Africa, a leader in roller manufacturing, strategic acquisition of a state-of-the-art rubber roller balancing machine made them the only company in South Africa with in-house roller balancing capabilities.


Precision Requirements - High industry standards for roller performance.

Customer Demand - Need for smoother, longer-lasting rollers.

Market Competition - Maintaining a competitive edge.

Innovative Solutions

Rubber Engineering Africa introduced several key advancements to address these challenges:

New Roller Balancing Machine - achieved precise roller balance, reducing vibrations, bearing seizure, stub end breakage, and rubber cover wear.

In-House Custom Balancing - enhanced quality control by performing specialised balancing on-site.

Improved Service Delivery - offered faster, more reliable service to clients, increasing customer satisfaction.

Product Impact

The implementation of these advanced solutions brought about significant positive changes rollers:

Improved Quality - Enhanced roller performance and lifespan.

Increased Efficiency - Streamlined production and reduced costs.

Market Leadership - Strengthened competitive position and customer trust.


Rubber Engineering Africa’s acquisition of the roller balancing machine underscores their commitment to innovation and excellence, setting new standards in the rubber roller industry.

Contact Us Today for your precision roller requirements